18 May 2006

Attack of Mono Bear!!!

Attack of Mono Bear!!!!1!

First of all, ignore the time stamp -- I posted the picture at that time, but now It's 7AM, and I will be paying for that today (I also want to try to scanned it so it looks better. That's a digipic of a polaroid).

Last night was the final episode of ANTM. Alisa and I had big plans. Plans that involved KFC (because when we watched ANTM on Tuesday, we said that Tyra had gotten fat because she had been hitting the KFC too hard -- then looked at each other and said, oooh...KFC!).

Knowing that Ben likes ANTM more than as much as we do, we invited him over to watch with us, and have some KFC. I also had that bottle of chenin/sauvignon blanc wine that I have been waiting to tear into (I finally found a substitute for the tishbi chenin blanc from Best Cellars! I am so happy!), and then after that, the bottle of pinot grigio seemed like a good idea, too.

Anyway, we did lots of other things besides watch ANTM and ruin American Idol for Ben (Alisa and I sometimes don't shut up when we're not interested in what's on the TV)...like, we discussed how when Alisa marries her Asian/Black Jew, we're not going to be able to make fun of Asian people, black people, or Jews (which I have to admit will kind of put a damper on any conversation I'll have in the future around Alisa's husband, Fred). We picked our band name (Skin Gives Up) and our first album name (He Sounds Like A Girl), and even our first single (I Like The Sound Its Butt Makes). Alisa poked Ben's head for eight hours (oh, you've gotta love the return of a classic like that one), and I used the white board for an even more awesome purpose than the rules, which was to write "towel is dirty, Ben sucks" after he spilled water all over on the floor, then used our towel to sop it up (like I told him to).

Oh, and then Mono Bear attacked Ben and ate his face (M.B. may have had a little help from Alisa) -- but you already knew that.

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