25 September 2006

Monday Madness - Reader Participation I

From jstar: Holiday in Europe or Asia?

This is one instance where I can't really choose. First of all, going to Europe is so cliche. Everyone does it. Going to Asia is becoming more cliche than it used to be, but only because people are bored of going to Europe.

Here's the thing: it makes me feel SO UNCULTURED when people talk about the amazing architectural wonders of Europe. If I had a few months and unlimited budget (none of this backpacking/hostel business. I'm just too much of a princess. I know that makes me...well, a princess -- I've accepted it. Let's move on) -- I'd hit every place in Europe that I could.

If I had more time, and more money, I'd go to Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Agra, and Bangkok. Then I'd actually research Asia, and find other interesting places to hit. Alas, I probably won't do all the world travel I'd like, but I'm up for almost anything (plus I feel like I haven't fully explored the U.S. yet, although I've been a lot of places in the South and Northeast).

From sherle: How do you try to change a behavior pattern you don't like about yourself... whether it's chewing fingernails, overeating, smoking, or picking your nose?

I don't. I lead an incredibly hedonistic lifestyle.

From tricia: Have you ever successfully completed a Sudoku puzzle?


Oh. And, seriously?

(I won't even start with the snark...you're welcome)

From caylynn: What website do you visit the most often?

Well, bloglines and del.icio.us. I prefer bloglines, but some of the sites I like to visit don't have RSS feeds, so I have to bookmark them on del.icio.us, of which I'm still not a fan, even though nataliedee and drew are both pimping it.

That was a cheat of an answer, though. I suppose the only websites I check daily (or with alarming frequency) are nataliedee and Penny Arcade. I also visit a softer world a lot, but it's only updated weekly, otherwise I'd probably hit that page more than once a day, too. And anyone with stats on their blogs can attest to the fact that I check those rabidly, too.

From michael morgan: What was your favorite thing about high school or college?

Mostly that it's over. No, I'm not kidding or being sarcastic because I think it's a stupid question. I do miss some things about college. Staying up late and being able to go to the mall on a Wednesday morning when no one else was there. But sometimes being unattached, childless, etc. translates into college life with a paycheck. Plus there are weekends; real weekends where there is no test or p-set in the upcoming week. Sure, there's more responsibility and less vacation, but that's okay. Would I love to have the paycheck, my own apartment and be of age for all of my vices -- minus the responsibilities? Sure. But that's not what college or high school were about, either.

Also, you couldn't pay me enough to do high school over again. Or MIT. I'm just sayin'.

from monday madness.

1 comment:

Nadiah Alwi - Write at Home Mom said...

Care to visit Lombok, Indonesia?

Bali is more famous to Lombok, I know. But, Lombok is more peaceful because of that.

I hope that's the place I'll visit for my 2nd honeymoon :D

Happy Monday...