03 August 2009

Where to Seat the Attendants

by Talley Sue Hohlfeld, Etiquette Expert

After the guest list, the seating chart is probably a bride's biggest headache. And the hardest part of THAT is, "Where should our attendants sit?"

The classic is the head table with all the wedding party, including bride and groom. But this has its flaws; if your attendants are married, or if their sweethearts are attending, this means you'll have to find those people a seat assignment elsewhere that they'll enjoy* (I'm sure you can imagine some of the complaints that result). You can weave the spouses into the head table, of course, but that can get to be pretty big!

Have you thought about seating for your attendants? What are you considering? And have you seen a solution you particularly like?

*emphasis mineto finish reading the article (which offers a great solution), you can go here
Or you could forgo the seating chart, put everyone your age in the wedding party, seat them all at the enormous head table while the "sweetheart" fends for herself, and then accuse the "sweetheart" of knitting during your wedding—but not to her face, of course.

It seems like a sure way to make your wedding the funnest fun times, ever.


Matt said...

oh god, did this happen?

and if so, please tell me it wasn't you...

dsb said...

lol, Oh yes, it happened. And even though the wedding was in October of 2007, I just found out about the knitting thing recently, so it drudged up some resentment, to say the least...

Unknown said...

yeah, I heard about that... I think I'll learn to knit so I can do that during the next one. :p

dsb said...

Ha. I wish I had knit during the wedding, now. The worst part is that I didn't get to defend myself. I only wonder which relative/friend "snitched" me out. Brittany says she defended me since she was, you know, sitting right next to me while I was not knitting. I was embarrassed at first because of my foolish need to be liked, but then I realized just how stupid/selfish the accusation was.