16 February 2012

Things I Love Thursday—Serendipity

To R.P. Salazar, with Love

Since it was Valentine's Day on Tuesday, I thought it somewhat apropos to post this video about how a couple fell in love over an email typo. It was very sweet.



I love things like gullzilla, because when ridiculous things like this happen and aren't fake they're even more serendipitous and amazing.

Things That Made Me Smile

The feeling I get when I've completed a design project ♥ Having friends that are so terrible that we not only threw a surprise party for someone (such a mean thing to do in its own right), but we made it a "bad cheese" surprise party because this person enjoys a fine cheese, and we don't lose an opportunity to tease him about it. A few of us have deliberately bothered not to learn how to pronounce gruyère, so we'll call it g-cheese to his face. We are all the worst ♥ 

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