13 May 2006

You Can't Pick Your Friend's Nose!

I decided that Instead of writing about last night, I'd just let you see for yourself:

Alisa's proving that you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, and when you're friends with Ben you can also pick your friend's nose.

This would be the obligatory picture of Matt "holding Emily's glass - not drinking." Fortunately there's no pic of later when Matt was not getting sick from bahama mamas in Kristina's room.

Seriously -- why did we go there? I Know I can't CHUG a beer. Jeez.

Awww...Cute. I also remember a discussion about oversaturation and overexposure that I think is kind of funny now. Keep in mind, though, that I'm the one who knows the settings on the camera, but didn't think to check said settings after several pictures came out this way. It's ok -- I really like and underuse that setting. Horray for surprise drunken miracles!

I certainly don't remember the back story to this, but I do remember knowing that I had to have a picture of it because it was funny and I wanted to remember it forever. It was apparently that story about the woman's "jugs" that were actually "buckets" and how her "jugs were huge." Emily clearly thinks this is hilarious even though I know she's heard the story five hundred and sixty four times. Because I've heard it at least five, already.


SheresaTyr said...

omg i heart your top :)
more pictures!!

dsb said...

You know, there wasn't one of you finishing my beer. I couldn't remember if that was "real" or not, lol - but when I checked, there was no photographic documentation of it, sorry. It probably would have made a great facebook photo.