28 August 2006

And a Greyhound Will Love Me Unconditionally

I'm pretty sure I want kids someday. In the FAR FAR future, definitely, but the mommy badge is one I'm fairly certain I want to wear. Someday.

Then, I see things like This. And This.

And then I remember This. And This.

And suddenly, being a barren old spinster doesn't seem. so. bad.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One of my bosses/supervisors has 3 greyhounds and no children...and that's just the way she likes it. I'm with you, I want kids one day. Even with all of the horror stories...but I don't think I ever was given enough time to trash the living room. Mom was like a hawk. -insert hawk noise- I think parenting has a lot to do with who you are as a person, and I KNOW you'd be great.