11 September 2006

It was Like a Bomb that Kept Exploding

I was just watching the fifth season of Sex and the City, when the next episode that came up was Plus One is the Lonliest Number.

I don't like to imagine that my life is anything like Sex and the City (and I know it annoys some people when girls think that this particular TV show parallels their lives), but a lot of the episode rang true tonight.

Berger doesn't tell Carrie that he's living with his girlfriend. When he finally admits it at the end of their pseudo-date, it was "like a bomb that kept exploding. I have a girlfriend. *pchwwww* We live together. *pchwwww* This flirtation is all in your head. *pchwwww.*"

It just hit really close to home today.

And God help me when the guy in question has an accent.

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